Recently, the presentation for the diploma is a mandatory aspect of the defense of the work. PowerPoint presentation for college should accompany the student's speech and cover all aspects of the work done. For the presentation to be correct, it must be made in accordance with certain rules.
How to prepare a presentation for diploma
There are generally accepted rules for the presentation of your diploma:
- Do not make a presentation of more than 15 slides, because a smaller number does not cover the amount of information needed, and more - does not carry the main point, becoming a formal action.
- The first slide should be the same as the last slide. It contains the name of the school, the topic of the thesis, the surname and first name of the student and supervisor, the name of the major the student is studying, and the year and city in which the thesis was written. This is the title page of the presentation.
- The first slide serves to familiarize the committee with the topic of the thesis, and the last slide allows you to address the student respectfully, that is, by name and patronymic. Therefore, the beginning and the end of the presentation should be the same.
- Next are the slides that relate directly to the content of the thesis.
- The background should be light, discreet. On it should be visible dark font. Font size - at least 28. Headings should be highlighted, the font size of the headings - at least 36.
- So that you read the speech at the same time as the slides, ask your partner to flip through the slides when the time comes.
- Be sure to double-check the presentation text for errors. This is very important, because a large font catches the eye on a light background, and mistakes of any kind will not go unnoticed.
Remember that the presentation text must match your speech.
Proceed to the design of the presentation to the diploma
The main part of the presentation to the diploma consists of several slides. Do not forget that a lot of text on one slide is hard for the brain to perceive, so distribute the information evenly, consistently, competently, following the structure of the thesis. To begin with, state the relevance of the thesis. Relevance is the significance of your research in modern science. This point can be taken from the introduction to the thesis and placed succinctly on the slide.
On the next slide, specify the object and subject of the research. Write how one differs from the other. Generally, the subject is a specific aspect of the problem, and the object is a specific piece of scientific knowledge that is being investigated. Next, describe the problematic of your research. Describe briefly what problems your work solves. Be sure to state the purpose of the thesis. The goal is the end result of the research.
Describe the tasks of your thesis. Each task should not just be stated in the presentation, but should be voiced in your defense text. Sometimes the structure of the thesis is indicated on a separate slide. This does not really carry much importance. You can add this slide if you think it is important for your topic.
Indicate the main concepts you used in researching the topic. You can also write quotations used in the theoretical part of the thesis, indicating the author of these quotations.
Next, on separate slides, depict the tables, graphs, and other statistical data that you used during your research. Support each slide with your speech, and don't forget to include a title above each graph. Remember that the length of your talk is 5-7 minutes. It is recommended that each slide be no more than 10 lines of horizontal text. Vertical writing is unacceptable - it makes it difficult to perceive the material.
Each main part should describe not only the theory, but also the performance of practical tasks. Describe the main methods you used in the solution, make your own conclusions, give recommendations. It is recommended to indicate the stages of your research in order in the presentation to the thesis. Of course, this information should be truthful and covered in the conclusion to the thesis.
Make sure that each slide lasts approximately the same amount of time, distribute the semantic load evenly.